Sunny Days

Another weekend gone….they go by much too fast. I hardly know what the date is when they do so quickly. We had two exceptionally nice evenings recently. One was one of Phil’s son and daughter-in-law’s 25th wedding anniversary. It was at their home on the lake. Many of Phil’s family members were there. Blankets were spread on the lawn by the beach. Peter Himmelman performed for us saying he had never played and sang before an audience on blankets on the beach before. He played his guitar and sang the words and music he had written. I particularly enjoyed the meanings of his words…very creative and thoughtful. He also played a keyboard for a couple of songs. Very talented in a special way. He is married to Bob Dylan’s daughter. Look him up on the internet. He has an interesting musical history. The next night we had dinner with Phil’s 3-month old great granddaughter, Logan, and her parents. She is precious and as cute as can be. Such a special evening that was as well. Feels so good to hold a baby.

Much of what I have written is personal stuff. I know there is more in my head and I hope to be sharing other things I think of in future blogs….so stay tuned.

I am so excited that I actually found and pasted these photos into this blog. Yippee!