Category: Uncategorized

  • Mar-A-Lago

    I wrote this Blog when we were still in Florida. We returned home on December 18. We are now in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and I will be putting out another Blog from there soon. Florida: We enjoyed driving along the East Coast of Florida on Highway A1A between Pompano Beach to Titusville. We were amazed at…

  • Pelican By The Sea

    Pelican By The Sea….in Pompano Beach, Florida. This is where we are staying for a few more days. We arrived here on November 26. It is a great place owned by Sam. He is a terrific guy and we like him a lot. He has become family.   So if you are ever in Pompano…

  • Toyota Yaris

    One day we are on the Gulf side of Florida….and the next day we are on the Atlantic side.  And we drove off of Aligator Alley on a quiet, good highway. We are driving a 2009 Toyota Yaris. It is a well-worn car.  The paint is peeling off the trunk, and slip covers hide seats…

  • 15 Hours

    Wishing all of my Blog Readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. My wish is that you will be enjoying the traditional turkey, dressing and cranberries, or whatever is your menu, and that you are warm and happy celebrating all we have to be thankful for with family and friends.  Phil and I are in Florida, but…

  • Henrietta’s Legacy

    Among the important scientific discoveries of the last century was the first immortal human cell line known as “HeLa.” It all began in 1951 (I was a year old then) when a young mother of 5 children visited the John Hopkins Hospital. She complained of vaginal bleeding. Her name was Henrietta Lacks.  A large, malignant…

  • Who Knew??? The Vatican and Chickens!!

    I subscribe to a magazine called Mary Jane’s Farm. Mary Jane Butters has her farm in Moscow, Idaho.  She always has some interesting articles and I would like to tell you about one she had in her last issue about the Vatican.  Who knew what the Vatican was up to? Outside of the Vatican in…

  • Our Continuing Road Trip

    It is already the end of May. Time certainly flies by quickly. All is green, flowery and warm here in Minnesota. As Phil says, it is nice to go away, but it is always nice to come home. Here is the second half of our 6-week, 7000 mile road trip. Because it was recently Memorial…

  • WOW! What Will We See Next??

    We are still on the road! It is April 19, 2018. We drove across New Mexico into Arizona and then back across New Mexico. Tonight we are in Texas.  We have seen some of the most beautiful country we could imagine. We had no idea Arizona had such awesome mountain scenery. We have driven nearly…

  • Oops…..I Forgot A Very Important Photo

    Women broke gender barriers at Los Alamo. Here i just one of them.

  • Blog #1: Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Our visit to Los Alamos  National Laboratory was extremely interesting.  All of the information we received was not only fascinating, but somewhat complicated. Phil helped me get it all together. His knowledge of history is amazing. Los Alamos became a reality after Albert Einstein sent a letter to President Roosevelt stating that Germany was in…