I want to wish all Mothers, and everyone who cares for children today in the role of mother – fathers, teachers, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends and neighbors – a very Happy and Special Day on Sunday, May 10, 2020. I hope the sun will shine in your part of the world and happiness will surround you.
I tried to find a suitable Mother’s Day verse, but could not find one that described what Mothers do today.
Then I thought of my own Mother. The memorial verse we wrote for her when she died was so representative of the beautiful and loving woman she was, it is the one I choose to share with you this Mother’s Day.

believer in God, kindness and simplicity cultivator of gardens and love finder of the good in people protector of the animals educator of children preserver of nature forgiver of faults lover of beauty giver of self
Woman of strength and courage She touched us.