It never seems like a REAL Christmas for me without seeing family, friends and snow so Phil and I are flying home to Minnesota this week and will be back in Florida on New Year’s Eve. Lights on palm trees and flamingos on Christmas cards just doesn’t seem like the Holidays for me. Actually, I think Phil enjoys going home for a few days even though he doesn’t admit it. He can sing Christmas carols, enjoy Hanukkah with his family and Christmas with mine.

One morning we got up and Phil asked if I wanted to go for a ride. I said where to….and he said he didn’t know. I said yes. The reason I said yes without knowing is that whenever we take a drive, it is always fun and interesting. There is no need to know where because neither of us really care. So here we go again. We drove up A1A and we have done that before, but there are always new things to see. The homes along the East Coast are the size of hotets. They sell for between 5 and $25 million. We were going to buy one, but decided it would be too much to clean!!!
The hedges along the highway are almost unbelievable. They are clipped, shaped, curved, snipped, cropped and maybe even measured. Many of the hedges are more than two times the height of our Suburban. I am sure all of these homes have full time gardeners. And foliage grows fast here in Florida. Amazing greenery.

Just look at that……and those hedges are not skinny things….they are feet wide.

Along our drive we went down these streets graced by Florida’a Royal Palms. How stately and tall they stand.

And there is the beautiful blue ocean whose white waves and green grasses are seen most of the way along the East Coast. Here and there a beach shows up and people enjoy the surf and the sand.
In the evening, we went and watched the Holiday Boat Parade on the Inter coastal Waterway. The boats were displaying lights and song and calling out Holiday greetings as they went by. People were clapping and cheering for their favorite decorated boat. Or maybe it was their uncle’s or brother’s masterpiece.
We sat by a young man who was fishing. He caught a nice sized Red Snapper and one little fish he caught interested me. He called it a “Crunch,” and when he held it close to my ear, that was the noise it made….crunch, crunch, crunch. Maybe that was fish-talk for help, help, help. It worked as back into the water he went swimming free.
We ended our evening at the Irish (for no special reason) Briny Bar for Grouper Fish and Chips. Yummmy that food was. The evening could not have been more pleasant.

Along the Federal Highway and Highway A1A, there are utility boxes adjacent to the sidewalks. On many of these utility boxes, one can see beautiful paintings. These are done by the woman, Kitte, from whom I am taking watercolor classes. I think they are wonderful examples of what people love about Florida. As well as being a great lady, she has been painting and teaching art for many years.

Here are Kitte’s fish. I think they are Red Snapper. That is Phil’s favorite fish to eat. There are 8 fish – 2 on each side. They look like one could take them home and put them on the grill. Kitte is a natural artist – born with all that talent.

These are two two watercolor paintings (both 16 x 20 inches) I have done since taking watercolor classes from Kitte. The one above is from an email attachment from our good friend, Joyce, of her granddaughter playing in the sand in Puerto Valarta, MX. I asked Joyce if I could paint it and she said she would be honored. Joyce had done this in watercolor as well. She is an accomplished artist. The one on the right I painted from some magazine photo. I didn’t get their shadows right in the water, but the horizon is level on the painting….not so much on the photo. Lots to learn!!

GOOD NEWS: Stock market over 28,000. WOW!
And the Long Island Police arrested some 100 MS13 gang members. From this arrest, the Police confiscated large quantities of cocaine, fentanyl, pot, knives, machetes and guns. Good they are off the streets.

Above is what Phil calls our “private pool” as there is rarely anyone else swimming. It is the nicest pool I have ever been in….84 degrees, warm, clean and clear. Do you see the “green hat?” On clear nights, when Phil and I are swimming in our “private pool,” we see Venus bright in the sky.

Many of the people here at the condo are French-Canadians. Some of their family members began this small community of condos years ago. A few of them don’t speak English, but those who do are friendly with us. There are a few Canadians and an American or two. The French-Canadians play a game called Farkle. They play every third evening or so – about 8 of them each time. Playing on a table by the pool is their favorite place so on those evenings, Phil and I listen to the throwing of the dice for about an hour, their happy laughter all seeming to talk at once, and the pouring of another glass of wine. Then they leave and go to prepare dinner. These people drink a lot. We see them bringing in cases of wine. To ourselves, we just say….”Oh, my!” The good thing is that they rarely seem to go out for dinner so they aren’t driving.
I would like to introduce you to my GREAT grand children.

This is Cameron and he is 6 years old. He is in the First Grade, smart and has such a great smile. Wonder if his mom, Ashley, can get a comb through those curls.
Below is Sullivan, more commonly known as Sully. Also smart and good-lookin’. One day some girl’s heart will melt when she sees those blue, blue eyes.

Here is my little herb garden on our condo porch. I have Thyme, Parsley, Rosemary, Basil, Mint and Garlic Chives. Missing is one of my favorite herbs – Dill. I could not find a plant. A great morning breakfast is to snip a bit of each of these herbs and mix into my two scrambled eggs. With a glass of milk, one of water and a piece of toast, the day starts right.

And this Pomegranate is a great addition to any meal. I love the seeds of this fruit. They are filled with antioxidants and Vitamin C and probably more good things. It is a challenge to get the seeds out, but “google” it and you will know how. And the seeds can be frozen to add to a smoothie or eat raw at a later date. I put some on my salad the other night and the crunch was great. Phil had never eaten a single seed and now he likes them to snack on.
This morning when we went to breakfast, I saw another of Kitte’s paintings along the street. This one is of the Hibiscus and she painted them in all different colors. No camera with me at the time so you will need to use your imagination. They come in red, peach, yellow and white.

Here we are…..the two of us in Pompano Beach, Florida 2019 wishing all of you a Happy and Blessed Christmas, a Glorious Hanukkah, a Joyous Kwanzaa and everything Good in the coming New Year. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS, GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP FOR ALL THE GOOD THINGS HE HAS DONE.

I thought this Charlie Brown picture was too special not to pass on to you. What a beautiful wish and we hope all of your wishes come true.
A few weeks ago, we went out to dinner. As we approached the restaurant entrance, a man was sitting on the bench outside. Phil said hello as he walked by and the man asked for a dollar for something to eat. Phil invited him to join us for dinner in the restaurant. He sat with us and Phil told him to order what ever he would like. He was wearing a Coast Guard cap and had served in the military. He wolfed the meal down as though he had never eaten before. His arm was bandaged and he said he could not work. He was reasonably clean wearing a heavy coat as he had been sleeping outside. As we left the restaurant, we gave him $20. He asked for my phone #, I gave it to him, but he has never called me.